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  • Get vaccinated with all kinds of Vaccines to protect you and your family

Get vaccinated with all kinds of Vaccines to protect you and your family

2020 is a memorable year in human history, with the Covid epidemic up to now, more than 72 million people have been infected and more than 1.6 million people have died in 220 countries around the world. Never before has a vaccine been of such high importance and awaited by the whole world. It is hoped that Covid vaccine production units will soon be licensed to use and distribute widely around the world so that the entire population can have access to the vaccine.

  • However, for the most comprehensive health protection, not only using the Covid vaccine, but we need to make the most of the available vaccines that are suitable for age. A large part of the population has the habit of getting vaccinated when the community breaks out. This leads to insufficient supply of the vaccine and the effectiveness of the vaccine is also affected such as: when injected into the body that is incubating, the time when the vaccine is injected has not been able to produce antibodies, it is already infected.
    Therefore, communicating for people to actively use many types of Vaccines early as well as updating information about the safety and effectiveness of new and old vaccines for medical subjects is a real problem. importance. As a unit with twenty years of operation in the field of Preventive Medicine, AMV Medical Group really saw the effectiveness of this communication, when the covid epidemic in Vietnam was well controlled. organized a series of small-scale conferences to ensure the elements of disease prevention, with the title: Scientific conference on updating vaccines for disease prevention in the community.
    On November 7, 2020, the conference was held in Moc Chau - Son La with the participation of 50 doctors and nurses, the conference held at Muong Thanh Hotel Moc Chau took place very seriously and with a lot of professional knowledge. Vaccines are hotly discussed.

    Conference in Moc Chau - Son La

    The next conference is on November 13, 2020 in Da Lat City, with this city of thousands of flowers, in addition to doctors and nurses getting together to exchange useful information about Vaccines, they also have more time to feel. The climate here is cold.


    Followed by two conferences in the Southwest region, held in Kien Giang on November 20, 2020 and in Tien Giang on November 21, 2020.



    Bs. Nguyen Ngoc Chon - Director of Tien Giang CDC speaks at the conference


    Bs. Nguyen Tuan Hai Marketing Director of AMV Medical Group presented a report at the conference

    The series of conferences ended with great success, many useful scientific information about vaccines were discussed in-depth by doctors and nurses. Especially at this conference series, a new vaccine was also updated, which is the JEEV vaccine: Inactivated Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine cultured on Vero cells. This is a safe and effective vaccine with a shortened dose regimen that helps the injector to be protected for a long time, reduce costs as well as complete the injection regimen in a short time.


    Picture of the JEEV . vaccine box

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